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Instagram:  https://bit.ly/3E2pLJW


東京都出身。ズンバ歴は7年強。Zumba®︎ 公式インストラクター。



 Zumba®️ Basic 1 修了、Zumba®️ Rhythm 2 修了、Zumba®️ Rhythm 3 修了、Zumba® Pro SkillsZumba®️ Gold 修了、全米ヨガアライアンス 200時間コース (RYT200) 修了。



Instagram:  https://bit.ly/3E2pLJW

My introduction on the official Zumba Websitehttps://www.zumba.com

 I was born in Tokyo. I have been doing Zumba for over 7 years and I am a licensed Zumba®︎ instructor.

When various misfortunes piled up and I was at the bottom of my life, I met Zumba.

I've always wanted to learn to dance, but I couldn't keep up with the movements when I went to a trial lesson, so I was afraid to go to a Zumba lesson for the first time.

However, when I joined my first Zumba class, it was so much fun that I fell in love. I would like to share the appeal of Zumba with as many people as possible.

I have completed Zumba®️ Basic 1, Zumba®️ Rhythm 2, Zumba®️ Rhythm 3, Zumba® Pro Skills and Zumba®️ Gold, also completed Yoga Alliance 200 hour course (RYT200).

I have studied abroad in Canada and traveled abroad to about 20 countries.

Other hobbies: Traveling, eating food from around the world.